Friday, February 8, 2013

Miracles Happen When We Pray

MIRACLE:  A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine.

In 1996, I was told my unborn child had more than a 60% chance of being born with Trisomy 18.  A Level II ultrasound revealed that he had six of the distinguished criteria typically seen with this chromosome disorder. 

The hospital wanted to counsel me on abortion and I wasn't having ANYTHING to do with that.  They finally said, "Well you should at least have an amniocentesis done."  My husband and I discussed this option and agreed.  They performed the procedure and informed us it would take two weeks to receive the test results.  

On the way home we stopped at a gas station for something to drink.  I sat in the car and waited while my husband went inside.  I peered up at their store signage and it read, "Don't Worry, Be Happy."

The phenomenon of that phrase had been popular eight years earlier.  What are the chances that a gas station would have this message displayed out front?  I began to feel a sense of peace come over me. 

I knew that many family member and friends were praying for us and the well-being of our unborn child.  Prayer requests were sent to Silent Unity by a very dear friend of our family.

Several days later I was overcome with the sensation that I could really could relax.  Everything was going to be OK.  I felt it in the core of my being.

Eleven days after our trip to the hospital we received a phone call.  My husband and his Mom had come inside for lunch after completing the morning chores on our farm.  We had just sat down when we received the call from Stanley, the nurse, who had been with us at the hospital for testing.  She quickly explained who was calling and immediately went on to say tell me the results from the amnio came back and everything was perfectly fine.  She went on to ask, "Did you want to know the sex of your baby?"  I said, "Yes."  She said, "I'm happy to tell you that you are having a boy."  After thanking her for the kindness of her call.  We said our goodbyes.  

I began jumping up and down.  My husband and Mother-in-law were there to hear the good news.  Our Son ... would be the first boy born to a Son and he was their 25th grandchild.  We were truly blessed on so many levels.

Our Son was born full term – a perfectly healthy bundle of joy.  Today, he is a sophomore in high school.  He’s a kind and caring young man who fills my heart with love, and pride.  His name is Matthew.  (Biblical definition:  Gift of God.)

Do I believe in MIRACLES?  YOU BET I DO!

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