Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Story of Patrick

The Story of Patrick*

I had a full-time job doing administrative work for a local company.  I loved most aspects of my job and met many great people through this network.  There were about 30 in-store employees.

Patrick was in sales and he began his employment not much before I did.  We didn't have the opportunity to interact often but each day we exchanged a friendly hello.  When needed, I would assist with administrative duties, however, he never asked for much.  He was a nice man who kept to himself mostly.  I never heard him complain about anything.

I knew he had children but I wasn't sure how many.  I knew his faith was extremely important to him and I never saw him behave in any way that was not professional.  He always had a smile on his face.

One day in early October he strolls through the office and mentions to me that he would be gone for a couple of weeks.  He was going down south to see his oldest Son and Daughter-in-law, and he would be present for the birth of his first-born grandchild.  He was so excited.  He said he was driving and while he wasn't looking forward to the long drive, he was looking forward to the time he would be spending with his Son and the newest family member.

In the midst of it all he would be celebrating a birthday.  His birthday was 8 days before mine and we were the same age.

For some reason I thought he was leaving the following Monday but when I got to work that day I noticed he was there.  I remember saying to him, “Oh, I thought you were leaving today.  I didn't think you would be in.”  He responded, “No, I leave later today but I don’t mind driving at night.”  He went on to say, “I may be able to fly.  There’s a great rate on airfare and it won’t cost that much more.  I have to figure out if I can make it work.”

So the afternoon rolls around and I asked him if he was going to fly out.  He said, “No, actually something came up and I’m going to have to drive after all.”  He did not elaborate.  He just said, “It’s complicated.”    

I said, “Have a safe trip and enjoy your visit with family.”  He said, “Thank you.  I hope I make it back in once piece.”  Those words lingered with me for some reason.  I mean really lingered.  I couldn't seem to get them out of my mind.  I prayed for his safety.

Tuesday morning rolls around.  Everyone is busy with their daily routines.  The phone seemed like it was ringing off the hook.  I’m working at my desk when the phone rings again.  The woman on the line asks to speak to the President of the Company.  I knew he was in a meeting so I passed along that information.  She went on to ask for the HR Manager.  Wanting to make sure I was directing her to the appropriate party I asked, “May I ask what this is in regards to?”  She paused for a moment and said, “I need to report the death of an employee.”  MY HEART DROPPED.

So, indeed, I transferred the call to the HR Manager.  I could overhear some of his conversation but not much.  I knew that soon enough word would come through.  I was trying to think about whom it might be and of course my thoughts immediately went to Patrick.  I could see others who were visibly upset but still nothing had been confirmed to me.  It seemed like at least an hour had gone by before a fellow employee said, “Did you hear?”  I said, “No, actually, I have not.”  She went on to say, “Patrick was killed in a car accident early this morning on his way to see his Son.”  It took everything I could muster to not cry right then and there.  I couldn't concentrate.  I couldn't focus.  My heart was breaking for Patrick and his family.

As usual, I went home for lunch.  The passing of Patrick weighed heavily on my mind.  While I was preparing something to eat, I said in my mind, “OK, Patrick, can you get a message to me this quickly?  If so, please tell me something there is absolutely no way I could possibly know.”  It had been about 12 hours since he had passed. 

Immediately, I heard, “Please tell my Son, Danny that I love him and I am very proud of him.”  I had no idea what the names were for any of his children or if they were boys or girls with the exception of his youngest, whom I knew was a boy.  I was thinking to myself, well, I guess I’ll have to wait until his obituary is published because I’m not sure how else I can confirm that information.

That evening, I decided search online for Patrick to see if I could find any information on the accident or his family.  Eventually, I did find some information and I did confirm that he indeed had a Son named Danny.  But I had no idea which order he was in or how specifically the message applied to him.  Yes, I knew what the message meant to me but not how it would affect Danny.

A few days after Patrick had passed I was walking by his desk at work.  I just happened to look that direction and there he was – a brief glimpse of him I received – standing there smiling.  It was just a blip but he was showing me he is still with us in Spirit.

It wasn't until the obituary was finally published that I realized Danny was indeed the Son he was on his way to see at the time of his passing.  It made sense to me that I received that message because this was such an important event in all of their lives.

I've thought of him often since his physical departure from this earthly world – surrounding him and his family in loving thoughts and pure white light.  Knowing Spirit has a beautiful angel helping up in Heaven.  Bless you, Patrick, and all that you brought to this world.  Your character shall live on through those you have touched by your kindness.

*Actual names have been changed to protect the privacy of this family

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