Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012 ... Hello 2013

As we sail through our last day of 2012, I count my blessings. My eyes were opened. 

I remember this time last year I heard a message from Spirit asking me to listen and more importantly TRUST. I see, hear, feel and know with more clarity. 

Pray for those who create a life of false bravado -- in their depths they know the truth yet they shield themselves from reality. Surround them with love, light & clarity. Surround them in truth. May they have the courage to see their reflection and the wisdom to right their wrongs.

Be gentle on yourself and with others. Be grateful for those who speak honestly. Make it a year of learning and gaining wisdom. Share joy with others. Count YOUR blessings with gratitude.

I see 2013 as a year of awakening. Spirit guides us and many truths are on the horizon. They've always been there but those who once doubted will not be able to push these truths aside as they once did. Epiphany & Love -- embrace this New Year and give it a hug.

Love, peace, & light to each of you. Happy 2013!

As I Am, GracedByU -- Kat

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